Hola Family and Friends!!!! :)) <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! Just so you know I did not forget. I only forgot to write it down in my last email! Love you sister!!
Also, I had my six month birthday on the 18th!!!! Where does the time go? And this Wednesday the 25th is my 'year left' mark because I am scheduled to go home on June 25th, 2015. Ahhh!!! I'll be home before anyone has time to miss me! :O Aproveche de este tiempo tranquilo sin estar malcriado! D: Anyway...
THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME. AWESOME POSSUM. I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well!!! Summer school! Idaho! Daddy & momma taking care of the Emma girl! And poor Amy waiting for Kylie bear and Jamison too!!
Sounds like Tiffany is doing well!! Keep working hard sister! Hope she likes the new area and her compaƱera :) Sounds like it will be so fun!!!
Super cool week! Really quick too, we visited a less active member, "I", who just had a baby. The baby is 20 days old. Very specific but as you now understand the baby is new new new. I was in heaven thinking about Kylie and Emma.
Then I had to distract myself and got lost in the conversation. Then I's aunt came into the room and carefully took the baby from the mom, and held her in the most beautiful way. BOOM. Tears just wondering and wondering if Amy had already had the little one and just imagining how she would be. Then I realized that the baby will already be big when Tiff and I come home, but it all happened soooo quick. I had a billion thoughts that were all so special.
I hope the baby comes this week - PLEASE SEND PICTURES :) I don't want to only hear about it, I definitely need to see the baby and all of you!!! Anyway, so that was really special and wanted to share with you.
"On Sunday a 14 year old investigator named 'A' excitedly told us that she is going to be baptized this week!! She has been investigating the church for many many months now and just yesterday received permission from her dad to be baptized. A and her aunt, Aa, (who is also a recent convert) were just elated and SO happy to tell everyone!
Whenever there is an obstacle for an investigator to keep commitments or prepare for baptism, it reminds me of 1 Nephi 3:7 when Nephi declared his faith to his father. I also know that the Lord blesses the faithful and prepares a way for them to keep his commandments. We are truly excited for A!
This week we also went with our ward mission leader to contact a reference, 'F'. We were not given a phone number, last name or a house number to find. Only a street name, a first name and a comment that he was given a Restoration pamphlet. Not much to go off of!
That evening we had not planned to look for F because we had other appointments set. Each appointment fell through, and we were a little out of the way of other investigators' or members' houses. Hna N said she felt like we should look for F.
So we followed those impressions and began looking for a house, without a number, without a last name, on a street we weren't familiar with. Thinking back now, maybe it wasn't logical that we went looking for F; but following the promptings of the Spirit is more sure than any physical object I could hold in my hands and observe with my own eyes.
We walked on with our ward mission leader. Hna N said, which one do you think it is? Just like that. Then we came up to a house, number 9. She said, "This one." We prayed and knocked and a gentleman came outside. He defensively asked what we wanted & who we came looking for. We asked for someone named 'F'. Almost as a test, he asked what F's last name was and where we met him. When we explained about the church, he opened up and said that F is his grandson & that he had just left the house.
We were SO AMAZED! I felt like it truly was a miracle! We asked for F's information to contact him and spoke more about the gospel with the grandfather. When he said that his own granddaughter is a missionary and his son is a less active member--who actually was inside that very house too. Umm?? His son, J, stepped out of the house and we were even more stunned. He was a member we met in church the Sunday before. He invited us to visit him during the week. All of this was a true 'coincidence' but really the Lord has such a perfect plan for everything.
There is a scripture I ran into again yesterday that I love in Isaiah 55:
'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.'
He sees the complete tapestry of eternity; He also cares about the fine threads and moments that weave together. It really is so special and a wonderful blessing to be a part of la obra misional.
One more experience that I want to share. This past Wednesday the 18th was my 6 month mark serving a mission!! That morning I prayed to feel my Heavenly Father's love for me. I just really needed to feel His love that morning. During the day, we traveled to a small pueblo with very few people that we know. There was an antiguo investigator that we wanted to see and also a less active family. The scheduled appointment we had fell through, and the less active family was not interested in hearing us, although we did our best to share a message with them.
We headed back into the dusty road and went through the pueblo to the main highway. In a small intersection, we saw a man walking by; we made our way to speak to him, but he turned through another way and left. Then he came back from around the corner and said, 'Misioneras!'
He told us that he is less active also. He travels for work back and forth from Mexico City and hasn't gone to church for a few years. His expression was heavy and a bit sad. He said that he hasn't gone since his wife passed away.
In that moment, I felt so much compassion for him. I just felt an overwhelming feeling to tell him that God loves him and wanted to say that He is still here and knows him. He had to be about 40 years old, much too young to have lost his wife.
Walking away and just thinking about what had happened I felt a tremendous feeling of love from my Heavenly Father. That experience was a testimony to me of how perfectly He loves us and is involved in our lives. We were basically in the middle of nowhere, on a small little highway and again we just 'happened' to run into this man. If we had been in that place even just 30 seconds later, we would never have met him. It was so so special to me!
Something else I just started to do is fill out a registro de enseƱanza for myself. Elder L suggested that we, as missionaries, should also track our progress and write down the day and moment that we learn a principle from the gospel like we do with our investigators. That day, I marked a lesson I learned that 'God is our Loving Heavenly Father'.
It was a great week, and we are excited for another wonderful week in the Cuernavaca Mexico mission!!! :)"
LOVE YOU ALL, Have a wonderful week and take care :)
Con Amor,
Hermana Fernelius
P.S. I am weirdly tan. It's sick. I wish I could show you all. I will be black when I return. Back in black...teehee
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Today!! :) |
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We (meaning Hna N) teach English!! |
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Saying goodbye :( |
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Goodbyes :( |
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