Hola Family and Friends!!
Hope you all had a great week!! (And thank you for not writing a countdown in your emails because I just realized that it's ALREADY JUNE.
This past week was seriously simplemente awesome. It was so cool. There are so many little and big blessings that have transpired. First of all, I wish you could all meet Hermana Q! She is crazy awesome and has a magical power of meeting someone and instantly reaching their hearts. She has a gift of sharing the gospel in an honest, sincere, compassionate way which has lead us to see many changes in our finding and teaching efforts. When we meet someone, within the first few minutes of talking and listening and asking questions--these people open up their biggest desires, greatest fears, worries, weaknesses, strengths and share them with us. It's humbling to be trusted with such personal stories and concerns that these people have. And what is even cooler is that in the gospel we can find the answers for each and every problem in life. Doesn't matter what it is, there is a solution!!
From the most recent Saturday afternoon my comp and I went to visit a few less active families with the sassiest 60 year old member I've ever known, Hna P. Her testimony is poderosa and is very frank with people--I like that! And I think that the members appreciate it too. We visited a member, Sister C, who has been less active for about 5 years now. She used to be the ward Relief Society president. She and Hna P used to visit a minimum of 4 families every day to strengthen their testimonies when she was active in the church. But after some difficult situations that have occurred in the past--she doesn't go to church anymore. :(
Sister C is a WONDERFUL person, very loving, open, willing to help and serve and give. We went by on Saturday and talked and laughed and really just tried to be her friend. we invited her to church the most lovingly we could. Hna P was so amazing and direct with her. We left after a relatively quick visit with C, gave her a hug and went home.
Bright and early the next morning, we met up with an investigator, Sister D, outside of the church and accompanied her inside (it being her first time). As we walked in, we recognized a big smile and a beautiful little family. SISTER C CAME! She chatted with the members, integrated well, and looked as if the last time she had gone to church was a week before not five years. She was radiant. And of course the best Sunday to come would be the one where Hna P was assigned to give a talk. She walked up to the podium shared a simple message and referred to C and her family:
"Today the sister missionaries and I are witnessing a miracle." :)
I felt the same way! I feel so grateful that they came. Something that I always want to do better with is help retain recent converts and help less active members come back to church! It hurts to visit members who for one reason or another have loosened their hold on the iron rod and who find themselves drifting. But I know that the Lord can bless us with the spiritual gifts we need in order to help our brothers and sisters hold on. Hna P had just the right words given her to help C come back on Sunday. We just have to be diligent and loving like she has been!
I wish I could write about everything, buuut aint nobody got time for dat. I just know that the GOSPEL IS TRUE. It is. I know it. I know that there is peace in being faithful to our covenants. We can not afford living a medio active life as members of the church. If we are not ACTIVELY following the Savior, we are serving another master. It is that simple. One time, one of my companions and I were talking to our district leader about what we could do to help our investigators keep commitments. We talked about the first great commandment. Love the Lord thy God with all Thy heart might mind and strength. And how do we show God that we love Him? The scriptures say, if ye love me keep my commandments. Okay, so we keep the commandments. So what is sin? It is when we love something more than God. When we choose something contrary to the commandments of God, that 'other' thing takes precedence over what God commands. Which separates us from Him.
This morning my companion and I read this chapter and these verses stuck out to me, 2 Nephi 31:15-16:
"And I heard a voice from the Father, saying: Yea, the words of my Beloved are true and faithful. He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved."
Every moment of every day gives us an opportunity to follow Christ. If we were serving another master 5 minutes ago, guess what, right now is a new minute and we can decide to serve the Savior.
Elder Holland said, "An old proverb says that a journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step, so watch your step."
I love each and every one of you. I hope you have a great week. Look and pray for ways to serve others. Lift where you stand and help those along the way. Someone is waiting to hear your testimony and your words of encouragement to return to the Savior and find healing! :D ANIMO :)
Con Mucho AMOR,
Hermana Fernelius
1) Also, Hermana Q caught a frog this week. Apparently it was poisonous, but beautiful!! We gave it as a gag birthday gift to a member. And when we showed up to their house for comida with the frog, the elders looked at it and said, You bought a FROG?? We brought a gold fish!! haha. This poor member was so confused! The 2 gold fishies are called Ricky and MartÃn. And she promised to feed us the frog the next time we go by to eat. haha.
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